APAI/SAVE AI – Position

APAI/SAVE AI support the aim of ensuring that our energy future includes the production and distribution of safe, affordable, reliable; environmentally sound energy resources.

Based upon the most recent scientific evidence, APAI/SAVE AI are calling for an immediate stop to the development of all on-shore IWT installations within 5 km of a Great Lakes shoreline and within areas such as Important Bird Areas, major migratory corridors, wilderness areas, national parks, wildlife refuges, and other sensitive habitat such as wetlands and riparian corridors.


APAI/SAVE AI are nonprofit organizations whose mission is to protect the health and well-being of residents and to preserve the unique environment and way of life on Amherst Island.  The goal is to protect Amherst Island, its residents, its agricultural and recreational nature, and its wildlife. We have taken and will continue to take all legitimate courses of action to oppose the development of an industrial-scale wind-turbine installation on Amherst Island. 

Amherst Island Mascot - Our Own Angry Bird

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